Below are a number of anti tinnitus tips to better learn to deal with your tinnitus by Nick de Waard. Read more in this article about tinnitus (use translate button) Not only will you learn how to deal with this “problem”, but you will also learn how to reduce the beeping sound in your ear. 1. Avoid noise: Sudden loud noises can directly cause tinnitus. Cover your ears near construction sites or you can take small earplugs at all times just in case… 2. Masking: Try to make sure you listen after another sound instead of the beep. A good example is classical music. Many people who experience tinnitus in the evening when they are in bed listen softly to classical music. 3. Stay busy with an active and interesting life: Especially something you can enjoy. Try to compensate for tinnitus with something that makes you happy. Due to a very busy life you will be distracted and therefore less likely to notice the ringing in the ears. 4. Be positive: Try to replace the negative thoughts with positive ones. Don’t underestimate the power of positive thinking! I myself am a proponent of the “law of attraction” and the “secret” to improve my train of thought. Don’t think about the negative, think about the positive! Now that is certainly easier said than done when you have tinnitus. However, try to find something positive! Cognitive behavioral therapy using an app can also help with this. 5. Reduce Stress: Anyway! Reorganize your lifestyle so that you are less rushed. You do this through better time management, planning in advance and solving emotional problems that “guzzle” a lot of energy. Stress is a contributing factor to tinnitus. 6. Get started with deep relaxation techniques and do them daily; these should be a part of your everyday life. Think of medication, biofeedback, hypnosis, Yoga or Pilates. 7. Use radio/TV for background noise, even when you’re not listening. Use your favorite stations for this or search for a nice internet radio station. I like to listen to “smooth jazz” myself to let me relax. Optionally, you can use headphones for better masking. Be careful with mp3 players. It seems that today’s youth are more prone to tinnitus because they listen to music on an MP3 player for too long and too loud. | |