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The pros and cons of down comforters

A down comforter is a comforter filled with duck and/or goose down. You officially sleep under a down comforter if you have a comforter that is 65 percent filled with down, as this is the minimum percentage of down filling for a true down comforter. In this case, the rest of the comforter is filled with feathers, which are just a little less soft than down and also insulate a little less. If you are willing to invest more in your down comforter, you will sleep under a comforter made of up to 90 percent down and really feel like you are under a cloud.

Some people find down comforters great to sleep in, while others prefer other comforter fillings. Are you curious what the advantages and disadvantages of down comforters are? Then read more about the pluses and minuses of this comforter filling in this article.

The advantages of down comforters
A down comforter is generally more expensive than a comforter with another filling, but because of the many advantages down comforters offer, many people are willing to invest extra in this product. The first and most important advantage of a down comforter, is that this comforter provides excellent insulation. The more down there is in the comforter, the better the heat is retained under the duvet and the warmer you are in your bed. Wonderful in the winter, but for cold-weather lovers also ideal in the slightly less cold months of the year. If you currently sleep under another type of comforter and are always cold, then investing in a down comforter is definitely recommended.

Another advantage of a down comforter, is the fact that this comforter is very soft. Especially if you sleep in a comforter with a large amount of down, say 90 percent down, the comforter really feels like a soft cloud. Under a down comforter you fall asleep wonderfully, really feeling like you are under a soft cloud.

The disadvantages of down comforters
Buying a down comforter certainly has some advantages, but there are also some disadvantages down comforters can name. The main cons of the comforter made of down, are the following:
– Down comforters are more expensive than other types of comforters, especially if you want to purchase a comforter with 90 percent down.
– The quality of different types of down comforters can vary considerably. Indeed, comforters with a larger amount of feathers are not only less soft, but also have a lower insulation value.
– Outside the winter months, many people find down comforters too warm. The comforters insulate so well that sometimes it is really too warm to sleep under them outside the cold winter months.

Do you find the advantages of down comforters outweigh the disadvantages? Then this comforter really suits you and especially if you are always cold under your current comforter. If you find the disadvantages outweigh the disadvantages or if you don’t want to invest too much in your new comforter, then you’d better look into the other types of comforters you can put on your bed.